Chapter 203 – Jade Bone Armor, Spirit Moon Longsword Slays Demon Gods

"Fairy Lingyue, after putting on this Jade Bone Armor, what level of power can you exert?" Xu Taiping asked Fairy Lingyue curiously.

"This armor was specially crafted by the Yan Emperor to slay demonic gods. If it can unleash its full power, it would naturally be equivalent to a demonic god."

"However, after so many years, the residual soul power within the Jade Bone Grass has weakened considerably. Even with the Sacrificial Spell, it's far from its former glory. At best, it might only surpass the demonic master slightly."

"But, just as the Jade Bone Armor's power has diminished, so too has the strength of the demonic god's remains. Even if it fully awakens, it would barely match the demonic master."

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