Chapter 116 – His wife is also a delicate young lady

Gu Li was terrified to the point of a momentary cardiac arrest when she saw what was happening. She rushed over and grabbed Qiu Shaoze's arm, fearing that Qiu Rong would push him off the high-rise building.

The blow to the head from the stool left Qiu Shaoze dizzy and weak, barely able to muster any strength, feeling like he was about to suffocate as his neck was being choked.

Qiu Rong wanted him dead, so he desperately pushed him towards the edge.

While crying, Gu Li clung to Qiu Shaoze's arm and hurled curses at Qiu Rong, but no matter what, Qiu Rong had only one thought: to strangle Qiu Shaoze to death.

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