Chapter 368 – The Dao Court with heavy losses

Outside the light screen of the Mountain Protection Array.

The Quasi Holy Emperors of the Dao Court's camp, along with millions of high-level immortals, continued their relentless assault. Thousands of innate and postnatal Spirit Treasures emitted dazzling lights, dancing across the sky.

Wind and thunder, boundless earth, fire, water, and wind, the chaotic Dao Rhyme of heaven and earth, and the near-collapsing structure of the void... It was as perilous and terrifying as the chaos of the vast void before the world of Harmony was created.

Massive planets and floating lands were continuously drawn from distant voids by these mighty beings and hurled down as disposable weapons. The ensuing earth-shattering explosions turned into high-temperature fire clouds with diameters of billions of miles, capable of incinerating everything, spreading scorching waves in all directions.

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