Chapter 507 – Late Golden Elixir stage

If it were Lu Yang, he figured that if he ever became an immortal, he might be even lazier than the fairy, sunbathing every day, flipping from front to back and back to front, and sleeping on the sun at night.

There are realms above immortals, and even higher realms beyond those. When will this endless cultivation ever end?

"Fairy, you once said that replacement is a form of forgetting. So, if your recipe's authorship changes from you to Heavenly Immortal Ying, wouldn't that be a form of replacement too?"

The Immortal Fairy's eyes lit up, patting Lu Yang's shoulder. "Hey, you have a point. If someone killed me and erased all traces of my existence, turning all my achievements into Heavenly Immortal Ying's, I would have thought it was that bastard Ying's jealousy, impersonating me while I was away."

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